Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I have had quite a bit of time to blog lately and I have been checking out all the cute things that are on people's blogs. One of my friends has a tracker on her blog which shows how long they have been married (cute). I also have friends that have a baby tracker which show when their baby should be born (cute). I have a friend whose blog has a track which shows how long until she ties the knot (cute). Then, there is a blog, which shows a conception tracker. It shows where she is at in her cycle so that they can try to get pregnant (NOT CUTE!). I personally think that is way to much information to be posting on the Internet for all to see - please leave that kind of information for your bathroom mirror or your bedside table!
ha...i've never seen that people put the conception tracker on the blog...really interesting:P
I second that motion!!
That is SO not cute!!!
lol whoa. yeah... i think that's more than i ever want to know about anyone... ew. kind of funny though, if you think about it. hmmm... what can i count down to?
yeah, I agree. P.S.- your blog looks great :)
I agree...please don't add that to your blog. I love the new background!
I am so with you on that.
Fun to see you this morning. I am glad you joined, I will look forward to seeing you every morning :)
That's hilarious!! I'm with you, some things are just better left unsaid, or unblogged!
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