Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Primary Kids at the Draper Temple Open House

What a fun time! Erica and I convinced our husbands that we should take our primary class to the Draper Temple Open House. When we got the tickets it was last year and we didn't know that we were going to get a new primary class at the start of the year and so we took last year's class and this year's class. Four adults (none of us have kids) and 11 primary kids was a hoot!
It was the most amazing experience to see the temple through the eyes of a child. A couple of our kids had already enjoyed the tour and every time anyone would oooooooooooh and aaaaaaaaaaah they would tell them to just wait - the best was still coming.
The kids LOVED the celestial room - one little guy told me that he could look up and stare at the chandelier for the rest of his life - it's just like heaven he exclaimed. His brother told me that you could see yourself reflect for forever in the next room and he just wanted to come back here so badly.
Their testimonies are the most precious thing and we absolutely love our kids. I really am going to miss them when we move! It has been my favorite calling. Because I didn't grow up in the church serving them in the primary is my first ever experience in the primary! I will always remember them and I have the biggest love for the primary and now an even greater appreciation of the temple.


Shannon said...

How neat! That sounds like an activity all your little primary children are sure to remember! :)

Erica said...

So cute! haaha I am stealing one of your pictures and putting it on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a fun day that was! Thanks for letting us tag along on such a rainy day.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a fun day that was! Thanks for letting us tag along on such a rainy day.

Angela said...

Thank you for sharing this experience with us!! Children are just amazing, and I know, just by reading what you wrote, that I was uplifted!! THANK YOU!!