Monday, June 13, 2011

South Jordan Park Tour - Stop 1

Ascot Downs Park - 10200 South 4150 West - 4 Stars

Jolene and I have decided to do a Tuesday Park Tour of every South Jordan City Park. We are then planning to review them and let you know how we feel about the park, cleanliness and amenities. Because I work in the morning we are doing our park review at 4 pm and will decide if it is a good afternoon park - it might be great in the morning but that just doesn't fit with my work schedule. Please also keep in mind that we are considering the park greatness based on a 10 month old, an 18 month old and a bun in the oven.

We started last week by visiting Ascot Downs Park. Although it isn't that close to our home, it has some great features. The play equipment was shaded at 4 pm in the afternoon, the water fountain had cold drinking water, it was clean and there was a covered eating spot. We saw one other mom with two little boys while we were there so it was nice that it wasn't covered. The only downside for me was that there were no swings...while Sam isn't such a big fan, Addison loves them and that would have made it a 5 star park for us! The park also had a large grassy play area that had a nice beginner sledding hill - just something for Jolene and I to remember come winter time...

Without further ado, here are the pics from park tour trip 1.

If I didn't mention, Addison was thrilled to be able to pull herself up on some of the equipment and she doesn't mind crawling through bark chips. She put one in her mouth and then spit it out when it didn't taste great. Because she has the mind of a ten month old, she proceeded to try another 25+ bark chips in hopes of finding one that tasted differently. She could not be convinced that they all tasted the same!

Another honorable mention to Ms. Addison - she slid down the slide by herself for the first time and was able to stay upright. They had three slides to choose from: spiral, big kid steep with bump and side-by-side toddler. The side-by-side toddler slide was the sure winner for us!

Stay tuned for Tours 2 - 15!

1 comment:

Jolene said...

Let it also be noted that while there was parking, shade, and a pleasant atmosphere, there were no restrooms. This is an important factor for one with a bun in the oven.